How Blockchain Technology Can Be Applied in Other Industries Besides Finance

How Blockchain Technology Can Be Applied in Other Industries Besides Finance

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From its initial form, blockchain technology stands as a robust foundation for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and has shaped it to be much more than merely a financial innovation. It is now highly valued for its potential to transform industries by creating security, transparency, and efficiency in managing data. At Pedals Up, we know that blockchain is more than just an electronic ledger for transactions. It’s a powerful tool for changing business processes in different industries. This blog focuses on the real-world applications of blockchain technology, outside the financial sector, into the daily life of an ordinary human being. Several applications, benefits, and impacts are laid down through detailed milestones.

1. Supply Chain Management

One of the key advantages of blockchain in supply chain management is the creation of an immutable, transparent ledger that tracks every step of the product’s journey from production to consumer. Blockchain ensures that each transaction or movement of goods is recorded, thereby reducing fraud, theft, and inefficiency.

Use Case: Provenance Tracking
For example, in the food, pharmaceutical, and luxury goods industries, blockchain allows the product’s origin to be verified by consumers. For example, through applications of blockchain, one can track an article of food from the farm to his or her table, ensuring freshness and the likelihood of not going bad and becoming contaminated.


  • Enhanced transparency and visibility
  • Reduced counterfeit goods
  • Faster and more reliable product recalls


Example: IBM’s Food Trust blockchain solution enables companies like Walmart to track and authenticate the origin of the product to increase the trust and confidence of the consumer.

2. Health

Health is another major area, wherein secure management of medical information requires some great scrutiny, which blockchain solves through decentralization. This helps to keep the patient records safe while keeping the data private, and allows authorized parties to view the correct health information.

Use Case: Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
The medical records of patients, stored on the blockchain, can easily be made accessible to doctors, specialists, and other healthcare providers, thereby allowing seamless interaction without compromising confidentiality. Moreover, it presents the patients with a choice of giving or withdrawing permissions based on accessing their medical records when necessary to ensure control over personal information.



  • Effective data security and privacy
  • The chance of data forgery is minimized
  • Healthcare providers show greater interoperability


Example: MediBloc uses the blockchain to create a peer-to-peer healthcare decentralized platform, where patients are in charge of their medical records, thus granting access to healthcare specialists and giving them rights over the most accurate and updated informational medical resources.

3. Energy and Utilities

Blockchain technology changes the energy industry by creating decentralized models for the distribution of energy, promoting green energy, and increasing effectiveness in the management of grids.

Use Case: Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading
With blockchain, households generating renewable energy through solar panels can sell excess energy directly to their neighbors or businesses via peer-to-peer trading platforms. The transactions are secure, automated, and transparent due to the removal of an intermediary.



  • Decentralized democratized energy markets
  • Reduced costs of energy
  • Increased new installations of renewable energy sources


Example: Power Ledger is a blockchain-based system that enables users to trade surplus amounts of solar energy with other community members for efficient use and sustainability.

4. Government and Public Services

Blockchain holds tremendous potential for making government activities much more efficient, transparent, and secure. Applications go from electoral systems to records management, where blockchain reduces bureaucratic inefficiency and risks related to fraud and corruption.

Use Case: Digital Voting Systems
Blockchain can give a secure, open, and tamper-proof voting system where citizens can vote digitally without fear of human manipulation or fraud. The decentralized ledger is responsible for the fact that each vote is calculated, and correct, and cannot be altered once recorded.



  • Tamper-proof and transparent elections
  • Increased turnout through digital access
  • Simplified government services


Example: Voatz has implemented blockchain-based mobile voting in pilot programs around the country, making voting more accessible and having greater integrity in their elections.

5. Real Estate

The real estate business is typically marred by paperwork, fraud, and time-wasting processes. Blockchain helps to make property transactions easier by generating digital ownership records, auto-executing the contract execution process, and promoting transparency.

Use Case: Smart Contracts for Property Transactions
Smart contracts would completely automate the buying process of property because they can verify the credentials of the buyer when ownership is transferred after the payment has been completed. These smart contracts are self-executing and stored on a blockchain, which means that all parties guarantee obligation is fulfilled.



  • Less fraud and paperwork
  • Faster sale of property
  • Safe and transparent records of ownership


Example: The Propy platform applies blockchain technology that allows safe and secure real estate transactions hence reducing the middlemen and making faster the sale of a property.

6. Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright Management

Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright Management Management of the intellectual property of everyone across the entertainment, publishing, and creative sectors, even in fair royalties, has always been an issue. Blockchain helps, as it creates transparent records of ownership and usage.


Use Case: Decentralized Copyright Management
Artists and creators can then record their works in a blockchain wherein ownership is non-questionable, and all subsequent uses of the IP are recorded. Royalties are paid out automatically to the owners every time a work is used with smart contracts.


  • Ownership of creative works can be verified
  • Royalties can be paid out by the simple use of smart contracts
  • Infringement and piracy decline


Example: Mycelia is a blockchain-based platform where music artists can and would be registered on the decentralized ledger, giving an open view of the usage of the music. This in turn enables fair distribution of royalties.

7. Education

Blockchain helps in storing data securely and thereby verifying data. The application in this sector is huge as academic records, credentials, and certifications need to be managed.

Use Case: Tamper Proof Academic Credentials
Academic institutions can grant blockchain-based diplomas and certificates, and nobody can forge qualifications. The employers can verify rapid academic records without contacting the institution.


  • Secure storage of academic credentials
  • Degree forgery reduced
  • Employer’s immediate verification of qualification


Example: the University of Nicosia was also the first in its category of other academic institutions that granted blockchain-based certificates of academic credentials to be verifiable on the blockchain network with high security.


No longer just about finance, blockchain offers an improved ability to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in business applications cutting across health, real estate, supply chain management, and even government.


Pedals Up helps businesses integrate blockchain into their processes and delivers personalized solutions to unlock the full power of blockchain. Be it security, process simplification, or transparency in systems, our blockchain development services can provide the expertise and technology you need to thrive in this rapidly changing landscape.

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